Repair & Replace


We know that the heat and dust in Arizona can be especially hard on equipment. Even the best products will wear out over time. Phoenix Access Control will maintain, repair and replace any hardware or electronic component that you have.

  • Access Control And Surveillance – Phoenix, AZ – Phoenix Access Control

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We Can Repair Or Replace Almost Anything

We know that the heat and dust in Arizona can be especially hard on equipment. Even the best products will wear out over time. Phoenix Access Control will maintain, repair and replace any hardware or electronic component that you have.

As a franchisee of The Flying Locksmiths, we have immediate access to the world’s finest product at the lowest price available anywhere.

If you are having a problem with any of these hardware items, we can repair or replace them almost immediately:

Exit devices

Crash Bars

Door Closers

Mortise Locks

Electric Strikes


Medecco and Primus high-security systems

Master Key Systems

Automatic Door Closers

All safes

Safe deposit boxes

We promise to always provide timely, professional service at a fair price.

Product Training

We know that the heat and dust in Arizona can be especially hard on equipment. Even the best products will wear out over time. Phoenix Access Control will maintain, repair and replace any hardware or electronic component that you have.

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