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7 Reasons Why Keyless Entry Systems Are Ideal For Businesses

Oct 20, 2022

Business protection is more critical than ever since criminals are increasingly becoming sophisticated. Keyless entry systems using key cards, fobs, and biometrics have emerged as excellent security systems to restrict access in commercial buildings. These systems replace the traditional lock and key methods, which have numerous vulnerabilities. Explore the benefits of commercial keyless entry systems below.

1. Enhanced Security

Employees often lose physical keys, which may fall into the wrong hands. If you have numerous workers, you may lose track of who has building keys, paving the way for unauthorized duplication. 

In comparison, keyless entry systems assign each authorized person a unique credential that is difficult to copy. You can quickly revoke and grant access if you hire or fire employees. Many keyless systems deploy end-to-end encryption for extra security, while others allow users to create customized codes for each employee.

2. Touch-Free Access

Keyless entry systems have health benefits, especially when combined with automatic doors and gates. The COVID-19 pandemic has promoted contactless technology in the workplace to reduce the spread of germs and bacteria. So, ask your security consultant about keyless entry systems that limit contact and boost workplace sanitization.

3. Streamlined Control

Traditional lock and key access systems are challenging to manage, and facility managers spent a lot of time issuing new keys and retooling doors. If these activities aren't done in time, the building's security remains vulnerable to intruders.

Keyless entry systems are easier to manage, as security experts can reconfigure your access system without a total system replacement. The systems allow facility managers to revoke credentials and add new users instantly without replacing keys. Some systems let employees use their smartphones to access the building, eliminating the need to issue key cards.

4. Remote Access

Physical keys facilitate access to a commercial building at any time. If you want to restrict access at particular times, a keyless entry system is an ideal investment because you can program doors to close after hours.

You can integrate most keyless systems with back-end software and authorize specific users to access certain areas at designated times. Also, keyless entry systems integrate with time and attendance tracking programs, including payroll systems, for better employee management.

If you want more control, get a cloud-based access solution, which lets you revoke permissions and adjust schedules from anywhere. This feature is valuable for large businesses with multiple locations as you can control access on the go.

5. Easier Visitor Management

Keyless entry systems make it easy to change access permissions, which is a handy feature when you have visitors or temporary workers. With physical keys, visitors must wait for authorized persons to let them into specific areas.

Keyless entry systems let facility administrators unlock doors and adjust permissions from wherever they are and allow visitors to move around quickly. Additionally, you can restrict certain areas in your building and keep contractors away from sensitive information and technology.

6. Data Insights

Facility administrators cannot tell who opened doors and at what time if employees use traditional keys. By using encrypted communication to verify access credentials, keyless entry systems provide data insights with multiple applications. For example, you can check the data after a security breach or use the insights to inform HR policies and capacity management strategies. 

7. Flexibility

Building administrators can quickly scale electronic keyless entry systems up or down, depending on the company's current security needs. Furthermore, these systems are easy to update with software patches to counter the actions of hackers. A keyless entry system will help future-proof your workplace and meet ever-changing commercial security requirements. 

Keyless entry systems will upgrade your company's security to the next level. Contact us at Phoenix Access Control today to enjoy our comprehensive locksmith services. 

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